A Review of the Sektor7 RED TEAM Operator: Malware Development Intermediate Course


I recently completed the newest Sektor7 course, RTO: Malware Development Intermediate. This course is a followup to the Essentials course, which I previously reviewed here. If you read my Essentials review, you know that I am a big fan of Sektor7 courses, having completed all 4 that they offer. This course is easily as good as the others, and probably my favorite one yet.

Course Overview

This course builds on the material in the Essentials course, covering more advanced topics and a wider range of techniques. You don’t need to have taken the Essentials course, but it will be easier if you have taken it or already have background knowledge in C, Windows APIs, code injection, DLLs, etc. This is not a beginner course, but the code is well commented and the videos explain the concepts and what the code is doing very well, so with some effort you’ll probably be OK.

Here’s what the Intermediate covers, according to the course page:

- playing with Process Environment Blocks and implementing our own function address resolution
- more advanced code injection techniques
- understanding how reflective binaries work and building custom reflective DLLs, either with source or binary only
- in-memory hooking, capturing execution flow to block, monitor or evade functions of interest
- grasping 32- and 64-bit processing and performing migrations between x86 and x64 processes
- discussing inter process communication and how to control execution of multiple payloads

Module 1: PE Madness

The course begins like Essentials, with a link to the code and a custom VM with all the tools you’ll need. It then does a deep dive into various aspects of the PE format. It’s not comprehensive, which is not surprising if you’ve ever parsed PE headers, but it covers the relevant parts quite well, and in a visual, easy to grasp way thanks to PE-Bear. The main takeaway is understanding the PE header well enough to dynamically resolve function addresses, a technique that is used later to reduce function imports, and to perform reflective DLL injection. I already have some experience with PE parsing, but it’s a foundational topic and seeing someone else’s approach and explanations is always helpful. Getting a deeper dive into PE-Bear’s capabilities is a nice bonus as well.

Next this module covers a custom implementation of GetModuleHandle and GetProcAddress, leveraging the previously covered PE parsing knowledge. This is done to reduce the number of suspicious API calls in the import table, and a code sample is provided to create a PE file with no import table at all.

Module 2: Code Injection

The second module covers five different shellcode injection techniques. The first is the classic OpenProcess -> VirtualAllocEx -> WriteProcessMemory -> CreateRemoteThread chain, with some variations thrown in when creating the remote thread. Next is a common thread hijacking technique using Get/SetThreadContext. Third is a different memory allocation method that takes advantage of mapping section views in the local and remote processes, ala Urban/SeasideBishop. The last two methods make use of Asynchronous Procedure Calls (APCs), covering both the standard OpenProcess/QueueUserAPC method and the “Early Bird” suspended process method. All five methods use AES encrypted shellcode and obfuscate some function calls using the custom GetModuleHandle and GetProcAddress implementations form Module 1.

Module 3: Reflective DLLs

This section was one of my favorites, as I didn’t have a lot of experience with reflective DLL injection. It covers the classic Stephen Fewer ReflectiveLoader method to create a self-loading DLL and inject it into a remote process without needing to touch disk. The previously covered PE parsing is essential for understanding this part. Also covered is shellcode Reflective DLL Injection (sRDI), by monoxgas, which allows you to convert a compiled DLL into shellcode and inject it. These two techniques are combined to enable the reflective injection of DLLs that you may not have the source for or do not have a reflective loader function exported.

Module 4: x86 vs x64

This was my other favorite section, as it was another area I didn’t have a ton of prior experience with. It covers Windows on Windows 64 (WOW64), how 32-bit processes run on modern x64 Windows, and the ins and outs of injecting between x86 and x64 processes. It touches on Heaven’s Gate, not in extreme detail, as it’s a pretty deep topic that needs a fair bit of background to fully grasp, but enough to get the gist and to be able to make use of it in practice. Templates are provided that use shellcode from Metasploit (also written by Stephen Fewer) to transition from x86 to x64 and inject from a 32-bit process into a 64-bit process, courtesy of some of the code injection techniques from Module 2.

Module 5: Hooking

Module 5 covers three different methods of performing function hooking. It starts with the well-known Microsoft Detours library, which makes hooking different functions a breeze. The second method is Import Address Table (IAT) hooking, which again uses PE parsing knowledge from earlier in the course. The last method was my favorite, as I’d not played with it in the past. It involves inline patching of function addresses. All three methods come with the usual well-commented code samples for easy modification.

Module 6: Payload Control via IPC

This was a short but sweet section on controlling the number of concurrently running payloads. The idea is to check if your implant is already running on a target machine, and bail out if it is. This is useful in persistence scenarios where your chosen persistence method may trigger your payload or shell multiple times. It works by creating a uniquely named instance of one of four different synchronization primitives: mutexes, events, semaphores, or named pipes. A check is performed when initializing the implant, and if one of the uniquely named objects exists, then another instance of the implant must already be running, so the current one exits. Malware is also known to use this trick, as well as legitimate applications that don’t allow multiple concurrent running instances.

Module 7: Combined Project

The combined project makes use of most of the previous modules and puts them together to emulate a somewhat real-world scenario: stealing the password of a VeraCrypt volume via API hooking. I really liked this section as it applied the learned concepts in a cohesive way into a project that you could conceivably see in real life. Some additional requirements are in place, namely needing to inject reflective DLLs and cross from x86 to x64. There are also some suggested followup assignments to expand and improve upon the final project and make it stealthier.


I really liked this course a lot, as I expected to from my past experience with Sektor7 courses. I already had experience with most of the topics, but the clarity with which the topics are presented and the supplied working code samples really solidified what I already knew and taught me a fair bit that I didn’t. I can’t stress enough how helpful the code samples are, as I find the best way for me to learn a new technique is to have a very simple working version to wrap my head around, and then slowly start to add features or make it more advanced. The samples in this course, as well as the other Sektor7 courses, do this very well. They aren’t the most cutting edge, and they won’t beat AV out of the box, but that’s not their purpose. They are teaching tools, and excellent ones at that.

I want to talk a bit about how to get the most value out of this and other Sektor7 courses. It might be easy to just watch the videos, compile the examples, and think “huh, that’s it?”. The real value is having clear explanations of code samples, and then taking that code, playing with it, and making your own. In the Essentials course, I looked up every API call and function I wasn’t familiar with on MSDN and added it as a comment in the code. I made sure I understood exactly what each line did and why. I was familiar with all of the APIs in this course, but even before beginning the videos for a module, I read the code and tried to already have an understanding of it before it was explained. These courses have a lot to give you, as long as you put in your share of effort with the code.


As I’ve said already, I really liked this course. I picked up new knowledge and skills that I can immediately use at work, I have solid code samples to build from, and it didn’t break the bank. You can’t ask for much more from an offensive security course. Props again to reenz0h and the Sektor7 crew. I’m really hoping there will be an advanced course and beyond in the future.

- Solomon Sklash